Description: Thirupathur District SIDS 2022 2023 Renovation of PUMS RCC Building South Facing at Selanthampalli in Selanthampalli Panchayat SSA Package 15 Name of Work Thirupathur District SIDS 2022 2023 Renovation of PUMS RCC Building South Facing at Selanthampalli in Selanthampalli Panchayat SSA Thirupathur Block Package No 15
Details: Thirupathur District SIDS 2022-2023 Renovation of PUMS RCC Building South Facing at Selanthampalli in Selanthampalli Panchayat (SSA ) Thirupathur Block Package No 15 Towards chipping Plastering surfaces including all cost and conveyance of men and materials Plastering with CM 1:3, 10mm all floors including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. Dismantling of pressed tiles & weathering course including all cost and conveyance ofmen and materials etc/. All complete Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 230mm x 230mm x 20mm of approved quality set in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Crushed stone M.Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming 4 to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete complying
Sector: RDPR