Details: rejuvenation of sitheri h/o. andhiyur clearing the scrub jungle earth work in all soils except hard rock requiring blasting and conveying for formation of bund with lead of 0 to 100 metre deploying earth moving machinery and tippers including benching, formation of bunds, breaking clods, sectioning etc., complete earth work deploying earth moving machinery for desilting channel and forming bund on either side and depositing the earth on banks including jungle clearance etc complete.having width up to 3m (w0087) sectioning during forming bunds when earth moving machinerry, lorries and rollers are used for consolidation earth work in all soils except hard rock requiring blasting and conveying for formation of bund with lead of 0 to 100 metre deploying earth moving machinery and tippers including benching, formation of bunds, breaking clods, sectioning etc., complete providing boundry stone provision for name board rejuvenation of moopanthangal eri h/o. andhiyur clearing the scrub jung
Sector: RDPR