Details: part 1 : construction of new 30000 lit oht at sai nagar in mgr nagar h/o gandhigramamestimate amount : rs.12.00 lakhs earth work excavation & depositing on bank with initial lead of 10m and lift & 2m in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton hard red earth shales, murram, gravel stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulder and in hard gravelly soils per ss 20b including all other incidental charges such as slurring strutting, baling out water forming, protective bunds etc., complete for foundation. first depth of 2.0 m second depth of 1 m filling with good m sand including cost & conveyance of sand and all labour charges etc., complete as per std. specifications. cement concrete 1:4:8 mix using 40mm iss hbg metal for foundation including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and watering whenever necessary and laid in layers not more than 15cm thick compacting etc., complete complying with std. specifications and as directed. refilling with excavated earth other than sand
Sector: RDPR