Details: earth work excavation for foundation and depositing soil on bank with in initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2ms except hard rock but not requiring blasting etc., complete complying with standard specification. p.c.c. 1:4:8 mix using 40mm size hbg metal mixing laying curing and the rate including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour charges etc. complete complying with standard specification special ceiling plastering in cement mortor 1:3 mix (one cement, three sand ) 10mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, loading and unloading charges and labour charges for mixing, laying and curing etc. complete . complying with std. specifications-10 m2. plastering in cm 1:5 mix to 12mm thick and the rate including cost and conveyance of all material and labour charges etc., complete complying with standard specifications plastering in cm 1:4 mix to 20mm thick and the rate including cost and conveyance of all material and labour charges etc., co
Sector: RDPR