Details: earth work excavation for foundation and depositing on bank for refilling within an initial lead of 10.00 m and an initial lift of 2.00 in hard stiff clay. stiff black cotton soil, hard red earth, sales, murrams, gravel, stoney earth, earth mixed with small sized boulders and hard gravelly soil and except hard rock requiring blasting including shoring, strutting, bailing water wherever necessary and all other incidental charges etc., complete as directed by departmental officers as per s.s.20b dismantling of cement concrete road for pipe line works including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour charges etc complete as per standard specification drilling of 150 mm dia bore well in hard rock area to any required depth as decided by the departmental officers including transportation from one place to anothr place with in tamilnadu state by direct method using contractor's rig tools at the site shown by the departmental officers including cost and conveyance of all materials
Sector: RDPR