Details: dismantling the old damaged reinforced cement concrete slab etc complete as per direction of departmental officers etc completed desilting the exisitng drain etc complete as per direction of departmental officers etc completed dismantling the old damaged existing drain etc. complete as per direction of departmental officers etc completed earth work excavation in all soils with initial lead & lift etc complete as per direction of departmental officers etc completed plain cement concrete in 1:4:8 mix (one cement, four sand, eight metal) using 40mm size hard broken stone as per the direction of departmental officers etc complete centering with steel shutters inclduing studding with sides and support etc for drain as per the direction departmental officers etc complete plain cement, concrete in 1:3:6 mix(one cement, three sand, six metal) using 20mm size hard broken stone as per the direction of departmental officers etc completed plastering with cemetn mortar 1:5 mix 12mm thick (one ceme
Sector: Municipality