Details: construction of compound wall: note: 1.please refer to the tender notice for the detailed specifications and terms and conditions.2.during the execution of above work, if any damage occurs to the nearest at-joint compound wall or any other assets the tenderer should be responsible to repair the same.3.please ensure that the hsn code is mentioned in the "hsn / sac code for gst rate" column without fail for each item. earth work open excavation in all soils dismantling of rcc plinth beam supplying and laying of plain cement concrete 1:5:10 supplying, fabricating and placing in position mild steel / ribbed tor steel grills for all rcc works supplying and erecting steel centring supplying and laying of cement concrete 1:2:4 brick work in following cement mortar 1:6 plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (one cement and five m sand), 12mm thick painting two coats plastic emulsion paint a priming coat
Sector: Higher Education