Details: painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed exterior plastic emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification. painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide priming coat in all floors including cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. (the make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the executive engineer before use on works.) earth work excavation for foundation in all soils and sub-soils and to full depth as may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the surplus earth within the co
Sector: PWD