Details: part.01. bt to vellantheru mayana road @ kathiramangalam -pt. km:0/0-0/530.(rs,23.00 lakhs) earth work excavation and depositing on bank within initial lead of 10m & initial lift of 2m in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders ss .20.a construction of granular sub base by providing well graded material (25 mm to 4.75 mm irc hbg metal @ 65 %,4.75 to 2.36mm irc hbg metal @20%&2.36 mm below irc hbg metal @15%)& (the material passing 425 microns sieve shall have liquid limit and plasticity index not more than 25 & 6% repectively) spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface mixing by mix in place method with rotovator at omc and compacting with three wheel 80-100 kn capacity and finished in accordance with the requirements of the specification and thickness as per approved plans or as directed by the engineer (mix -in - place method) . providing and laying water bound ma
Sector: RDPR