Details: construction of anganwadi building at colony in agalur panchayat, vallam block, villupuram district earth work excavation for foundation in all classes of soils and sub soil to full depth except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring strutting if required for the sides of foundation. supplying and filling in foundation and basement with good sand in layers not more 15 cm thick including ramming, watering and compacting etc.complete complying to standard specification cement concrete 1:4:8 mix using 40 mm hbg metal for foundaion including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick. compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. brick work in cm 1:5 mix using country bricks ground moulded of size 23 x 11 x 7 cm for the following including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications. supplying and fabricating and placing in position ms steel or ribbed for steel for all reinforced cemen
Sector: RDPR