Details: hiring super structure for exhibitation stalls and main stage arrangements in diamond jubilee jamboree 2025 and dr.muthamizh kalaignar karunanithi centenary special jamboree at sipcot in manapparai, trichy districthire charges for of shed using ms tubler section size of using tubler post of 10 x 8. the tubler post are connected 75mm x 50mm rafters. over the rafters connected with 50mmx50mm tubler purlins. the entire roof of the shed are covered with 0.47mm gi sheet with white cloth, proper special type clamps and nails as directed by the departmental officers. exibition stalls hiring charges of jamboree scout & guide event for aluminimum truss 80 x 60 box truss, supported with sufficient water tanks across the base, roof top truss - 80 x 60 labour and hiring charges of jamboree scout & guide event for of stage 80 x 40 wooden platform. height of 20ft for stage 25mm plywood and planks fixing in the steel pipesand angles welded plate bottom fixed with bolt nut and hand raillings
Sector: RDPR