Details: providing paver block arrangements in middle street at padukkapathu village in padukkapathu panchayat earth work excavation and depositing on bank with in initial lead of 10 m and initial lift of 2m in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton soil, hard red earth,earth mixed with small sized boulders and hard gravelly soil as per ss 20b cement concrete 1:4:8mix using 40mm gauge hand broken granite stone jelly for foundation including watering wherever nessary and laid in layers not more than 10cm thick completed etc, complete complying with standard specification and as directed. cement concrete 1:3:6 mix using 20mm gauge hand broken granite stone jelly for foundation including watering wherever nessary and laid in layers not more than 10cm thick completed etc, complete complying with standard specification and as directed. supplying and erecting centering shuttering including necessary supports for plane surface in foundation and basement including all labour charges etc complete
Sector: RDPR