Details: construction of community hall @ orangur panchayat earth work excavation and depositing on banks with initial lead and lift in gravelly soil stiff clay, hard stiff clay, murram, boulders mixed with gravel as per ss 20-b for foundation. filling river sand including cost and conveyance loading unloading from approved quarry to work site and labour charges for filling, ramming, etc. complete cement concrete 1:4:8 mix using 40mm iss hbg metal including all cost and conveyance, labour charges etc. brick work in cm 1:5 mix using country bricks including cost and conveyance labour charges etc. brick work in cm 1:5 mix using country bricks including cost and conveyance labour charges etc.super structure supply and errecting sheet centering of size 90 cm x 60cm 10 g sheet laid over silver oak joist and supported by casurina post of size 10 cm x 13 cm dia spaced at 75 cm center to center etc. complete supply and fabrication of steel for rcc works including cost and conveyance charges etc rcc
Sector: RDPR