Details: main road work & junction improvements clearing and grubbing road land (heavy jungle) including uprooting rank vegetation ,grass,bushes, shrubs, saplings and tress girth upto 300mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, upto lead of 1000 metres including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150mm in thickness including all labour, hire charges of all machineries etc., complete in accordance with mort&h technical specification clause 201 main road work picking the existing bt surface upto 50mm depth as directed by the departmental officers and collecting the picked up salvaged metal and stacking the same for reuse and deposting the debris excluding cost of materials including all labour charges for picking and all other tools and plants employed of the work and including all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specifications as per morth re
Sector: Road development