Details: construction of anganwadi toilet earth work excavation for foundation in all classes of soils and sub soil to full depth except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring strutting if required for the sides of foundation. plain cement concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. precast hollow block masonry with c.m.1:5 mix using hollow in size of 0.40x0.20mx0.20m including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including all labour charges for filling etc.complete, precast hollow block masonry with c.m.1:5 mix using hollow in size of 0.40x0.10mx0.20m including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including all labour charges for filling etc.complete, floor finish with granolithic flooring in cc 1:2:4 mix using 10 to 12mm chips including cost and conveyance of all material
Sector: RDPR