ACS880 7.5kW VFD,ACS880 15kW VFD,ACS880 22kW VFD,A - 110807867
The Department of Heavy Industry has published a tender for "ACS880 7.5kW VFD,ACS880 15kW VFD,ACS880 22kW VFD,ACS880 37KW VFD,ACS880 55kW VFD,ACS880 90KW VFD,ACS880 132KW VFD,ACS880 200KW VFD,ACS880 250kW VFD,ACS880 400kW VFD,ACS800 Standard Control Panel,ACS800 Control Panel Mounting Platform,ACS880 Profibus Communication Card,ACS880 Incremental Encoder Communciation,Braking Resistor 44 210kJ 1kW ACS880,Braking Resistor 22 420kJ 2kW ACS880,Braking Resistor 13 435kJ 2kW ACS880,Braking Resistor 8 1800kJ 4.5kW ACS880,Braking Resistor 6 2400kJ 6kW ACS880,Braking Resistor 4 3600kJ 9kW ACS880,Braking Res. 2.7 5400kJ 13.5kW ACS880,DBR 1.35 ohms 27 kW 10800 kJ ACS880,DBR 0.9 ohms 40 kW 16200 KJ ACS880,22KW 4 POLE 180L FRAME SQ.IND. MOTOR,30KW 750RPM 250M B3 SQ.CAGE IND.MOTOR CR" on the 25 Nov 2024. This tender belongs to Electronic Components category. This tender is published in Madurai, Tamil Nadu location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Electronic Components tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Electronic Components tender analytics
Department of Heavy Industry published 80 tenders for "electronic components" from October 2020 until October 2021.
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Tender Details
Sector: Industries and Factories