Details: specification for organic manure as per fco 1985 schedule-iv of part-a in serial follows:i) moisture % by wiight, maximum-25.0; ii) partical size-minum 90% material sould pass through 4.0 mm is sieve; iii) bulk density(g/cm3) <1.0; iv) total organic carbon per by weight minium 14.0; v) total nitrogen (as n)%by weight minium-0.5; vi) total phosphates (as p2o5)% by weight minimum-0.5; vii) total potash (as k2o)% by weight minimum-0.5; viii) npk nutrients-total n,p2o5 and k2o nutrient should not be less than 3%; ix) c:n ratio <20; x) ph-6.5 to 7.5; xi)conductivity (as dsm-1) not more than-5.0; xii) pathogen-nil: xiii) heavy metal content,(as mg/kg) maximum as follows: arsenic as (as2o3)-10.0; cadmium (as cd)-5.0; chrimium (as cr)-50.0; copper (as cu)-300.0; mercury (as hg)-0.15; nickel (as ni)-50.0; zinc (as zn)-1000.0 organic manure
Sector: Cooperative Federation