Details: 1 33501051 goods (y) stock --- yes tpi agency inrdescription :light fabricated items kit for fiat bogie. (1)security plate to, alt 'a' - 16 nos---- (2)security plate to, alt 'a' - 08 nos---- (3)adjusting shimfor body support to alt 'c' - 32 nos ---- (4)distance plate to drg no. aaa05076 alt 'nil' - 28 nos---- special condition : suitable packing to be done to prevent damage during transit, unloading and rust prevention from storage. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ][quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variationpermitted: max 8 lacs ] ]consignee shell depot/icf,chennai, icf tamil nadu 272.00 numbers
Sector: Railways