Details: video bronchoscope: model: video processor: vp-3500hd; light source: xl-4450; hd video bronchoscope: eb-530t; trolley: et- s027 hd medical grade 24 inch monitor, endoscopy software and lt-7f leakage tester make: fuji film 1297000.00 sub total 12,97,000.00 1 1 i urology department 27005ba-hopkinsa forward oblique telescope 30a, diameter 4mm, length 30 cm, a utoclavable, fiber optic light transmission incorporated, color code: ed 356984.32 2 1 27050slk-resectoscope sheath, 26 fr., oblique beak, rotating inner sheath with ceramic insulation, color code: yellow consisting of: 27050 sl resecto cope sheath 27050 xa inner sheath 2 x 27282 connecting tube for in- an outflow 106768.48 3 1 27040db-working element, bipolar motion by means of a finger grip. in rest position the electrode is outside the sheath 244296.64 27050bk-schmiedt visual obturator, for use with sheaths 24/26 fr., 27040 bk/bo/sd/sl, 27241 bk/bo, 27042 b, 27240 bo, 27242 bz, 27050 sl 42355.04 27025g-telescope bridge, with 1 loc
Sector: RDPR