Details: deploying of machineries in good running condition on hire basis, as when required basis for (03) three months including the cost of pol (diesel, lubricating oil) and the wages of road roller driver, machine operator, helpers, cleaner etc. nature of emergency work for deploying of machineries:-1. attend and repair holes, depression, undulation and repainting of road wherever required.2. clearing and removal of slided earth (loading/unloading) by natural calamities.3. clearing/removal of falling trees i/c branches on road side by natural calamities.4. de-silting/clearing of road side drains by silt deposited.5. to attend unforeseen work i/c heavy rains, flood, traffic jams occured by natural calamities. small truck (2.50 capacity) tipper truck (5.00 capacity) rod roller (8 to 10 tonne capacity) excavator (hitachi) or equivalent hot mix plant concrete mixer plant
Sector: PWD