Details: construction of embankement with approved material obtained from borrowpits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required and compacting with static roller to meet requirement of table 300-2 as per morth specification 305 supplying of laterite stone soling of size 150-200 mm size and murrum having p.i. value not more than 6 and laying including packing with smaller stones and consolidation with power road roller including spreading, watering and onsolidation of binding material etc.(measurements shall be considered on finished item) . providing and laying 50mm(consolidated thickness)full grout using granitic or basaltic stone of specified grading at 6.00 cu.m. per 100 sq.m. grouting with hot bitumen straight run bitumen(or with such bituminous material of grade and type as specified by the engineer-in-charge)at 5.0kg. per sq. m. binding with key aggregate of granitic or basaltic stone of specified grading at 1.5 cu.m. per 100 sq.m. including providi
Sector: RDPR