Details: providing and laying 50mm(consolidated thickness)full grout using granitic or basaltic stone of specified grading at 6.00 cu.m. per 100 sq.m. grouting with hot bitumen straight run bitumen(or with such bituminous material of grade and type as specified by the engineer-in-charge)at 5.0kg. per sq. m. binding with key aggregate of granitic or basaltic stone of specified grading at 1.5 cu.m. per 100 sq.m. including providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminious surface laid with f.e loader with 1 cu.m. bucket capacity to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using type a seal coat with 0.98 kg/sqm of bitumen of grade as per mort&h specifications clause 513. providing and applying tack coat with bitumengrade of 80/100 or bitumen emulsion usingpressure distributor on the reparedbituminous/granular surface cleaned withmechanical broom as per mort&hspecifications clause 503.bitumen 80/100@ 0.375 kg/sq.m providing and laying dense graded bituminious macadam with 40-6
Sector: Industry Development