Details: operation of pumping machinery and distribution system of water supply from different sector storage tank, to different habitations being feeded from lwss nog whose line plan and technical data sheet is attached with, by the contractor through skilled / unskilled manpower i.e pump operator/beldar/ helper for running, maintenance and operation of pumping machinery and distribution system contigent to the work, watch and ward of all structures, machinery including rising main, operation of wheels from various tanks at different locations for distribution of water through the laid distribution network and maintaining all records regarding distribution of water to consumers at consumers ends as per the direction of the engineer-in-charge. description of main components of the scheme is as under:- civil works: 3 nos pump house, main storage tank=3nos.sector storage tank 2norising main: 50mm dia=1700 rmt,65mm=3810rmt, 65mm dia=2100rmt,distribution system:21kmpumping machinery: booster st
Sector: Medical and Health