Details: pumping machinery stage 1st supply, , testing & commissioning of horizontal spindle, horzontal split casing radial split single /multistage centrifugal pumps of ksb/ mather & platt/ jyoti/ kiroskar /beaconweir/ bs & be conforming to bis 1520-1980 with upto date ammendments read with bis 9137-1978 or latest edition to handel clear water having characteristics as mentioned below in ltem no 1(a), with impelleres,casing ring priming funnels & shaft sleeves of bronze , shaft of steel of steel with cast iron casing of suitable capacity coupled directly through a flexible coupling on a common base plate of cast steel/ mild steel to bhel/ kirlokar/ ngef/crompton/siemen /jyoti/gec make slip ring /squirrel cage screen protected drip proof induction electric motor suitable for operation on the data given below i/c the cost of all the accessories in all leads and lifts & carriage at the site sites as per direction of engineer-in - charge. :- 2 set of 75 hp (note:- tender to be called for per
Sector: Medical and Health