Description: Please refer uploaded documents Name of Work Special Repair to Toilet in Himfed Godown at Malyana DIstt Shimla H P
Details: Removal of slips in all kinds of soil (including saturated soil but excluding boulders and rocky portion requiring blasting upto a distance of 20 metres dosposing of un-serviceable materials,stacking serviceable materials and neatly dressing the surface. Cutting in earth work and disposal of excavated earth upto a lead of 20 meters Pick Work and jumper work. Excavation in drains and channels earth work including dressing of side and bed and disposing of excavated earth upto a lead of 20 metres and lift upto 1.50 metres disposed earth to belevelled and neatly dressed: Pick Work and jumper work. Providing and laying cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement:6 sand :12 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and curing completeexcluding cost of centring and shuttering in Foundation and plinth White glazed tiles 6 mm thick in skirting risers of steps and dado12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 sand) and jointed withcement slurry. Providing and laying Duro stone vetrified tiles (3