Details: 1 Flood Protection Work to Nasham Rangrik in GP Khurikin Spiti Valley Distt. L&S (H.P). (SH:- C/O Wire Crateembankment at RD 0-31.25 =31.25mtrs).Rs.382095/- Rs.9490/- Rs.250/ Six months2 Prov. Lift Irrigation Scheme to village Lidang in GP Demul inspiti valley Distt. L&S (HP) (SH:- C/O RR Stone MasonryR/Wall from RD 0 to 32=32 mtr)Rs. 498726/- Rs.9975/- Rs.250/- Six Month3 Prov. Lift Irrigation Scheme to village Lidang in GP Demul inspiti valley Distt. L&S (HP) (SH:- C/O C.C. Florring aroundthe pump house and DG Set Room)Rs. 384942/- Rs.7699/- Rs.250/- Six Month4 Prov. Lift Irrigation Scheme to village Nidang in GP Tabo inspiti valley Distt. L&S (HP) (SH:- C/O Prov. Wire crate forprotection of P/House at RD0-50 Mtrs)Rs. 380161/- Rs.7603/- Rs.250/- Six Month5 R/O rain/snow Damages to WSS Pilung to Tangti yogma inGP Kungri in Spiti Valley Distt L&S (HP) (SH:- Layingjointing and testing in trenches of HDPE pipe 40 mm dia fromRD 0 to 600, RD 900-1285=985 rmt)Rs. 404391/- Rs 8087/- Rs.250/-
Sector: Medical and Health