Details: earthwork:- cutting in earth work in all heights and depths in all kinds of soil, including saturated soil comprising of pick work, jumper work and blasting work both in soft and hard rock with chiesling and wedging out of rock (where blasting is prohabited) and their intermediate classification of soil including dewatering whereever required,settling out to required lines,levels as shown on the drawing and directed by the engineer in charge at site according to the hp.pwd specification of 1990 (one thousand nine hundred ninety) volume-i (one) and sorting out useful and unuseful material and transportation of the unuseful material for disposing at approved dumping site of m.c. shimla or otherwise including payment of prescribed charges of dumping to the owener of dumping site through all modes of transporation including head load animal load or mechanical means alongwith its levelling, fine dressing and with all kinds of labour, mechineries, tools, equipment and safety measures a
Sector: PWD