Details: wiring for light point / fan point / exhaust fan / call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm. pvc insulated heat resistant flame retardant (hrfr) and low smoke single core (flexible) copper conductor cable in surface/recessed pvc conduit with modular switch, modular plates, suitable g.i. box and earthing the light point with 1.5 hrfrls/pvc insulated single core copper conductor cable as required and as per direction of engineer-in-charge. (a) group c. wiring for circuit/sub-main with following size pvc insulated heat resistant flame retardant (hrfr) and low smoke single core (flexible) copper conductor cable in surface/recessed pvc conduit along with 1 no. hrfrls/pvc insulated single core copper conductor cable of same size for earthing as required and as per direction of engineer-in-charge (a) 2x1.5 sq. mm. (b) 2x4.0 sq. mm. © 2x6 sqmm supplying and fixing following rating modular switch /socket in the existing switch box / cover plate including connections etc. as required and as per
Sector: Industry Development