Details: annual repair maintenance of exising pumping machinery i/c of repair and maintenance of pumps,motors pannel boards sluice valve nrv of all makes.model installed on each pump house including lowering and pulling out column assembly with the help of chain pully and tripod stand labour etc, and repair/replacement of all kind of fixture/parts of motor pumps such as motor rotor plate pannel board in all size plate pump shaft impellar i.e. all bearing etc. and repair /replacement of pannel/starter and all equipment fixed in cable nuts bolts flanges rubber gasket lubricant ,m-oil required at site i.e. carriage of motor pumps and chain pulley and repair of internal wiring tube lights fans requires at site for smooth running of the scheme to the entire etc.upto 5 mtrs, from the outet wall of the scheme to the entire satisfaction of the engineer -in- charge. name of schmeme = typr of pumping mahcinery = hp = set
Sector: Medical and Health