Details: compacting original ground supporting subgrade (loosening of the ground upto a level of 500 m below the subgrade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of table 300-2 for subgrade construction.) surface drains in soil (construction of unlined surface drain of average cross sectional area 0.4 sqm in soil to specified lines, grades, levels and dimensions to the requirement of clause 301 to 309. excavated material to be used in embankment at site within a lead of 1000 meters. (a) mechanical means. providing, laying and compacting granular base/sub base with naturally occuring sand gravel material free from organic ore and other deleterious constituents, spreading with motor grader and compacted by rolling with power roller of 8-10 tonne capacity in layers not exceeding 150 mm (spread thickness). providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packi
Sector: PWD