Description: Supply of Vermicompost Plant Protection Planting Material of Tamenglong Orange and Tree Bean for implementation of the NEC Project Rejuvenation of Orange and Tree Bean Cultivation in Tamenglong and Noney District of Manipur Name of Work Supply of Vermicompost Plant Protection Planting Material of Tamenglong Orange and Tree Bean for implementation of the NEC Project Rejuvenation of Orange and Tree Bean Cultivation in Tamenglong and Noney District of Manipur
Details: Tree bean Orange Vermicompost Pesticide/ Insecticide Quinalphos 25% EC Dimethoate 30% EC Thiame thoxam 25%WG Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL Spinosad 45% SC Fungicide Sulphur 80% WDG Copper Oxychloride 50%WP Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% (72% Wp) Azoxystrobin7% + Mancozeb 40%
Sector: Horticulture