Details: manufacturing and supplying of machine made pvc wire crates chain link type made by s.w.g pvc wire bearing 12/10 sw. gl wire inside the pvc wire, size of cage 1500mm. x600mm. x450mm. having square mesh of 80mm x80mm. including caring to the work side square size as per diration of the engineer/in charge (weight shall not be less then 7.80kg) suppliying and stacking mixed class brick bats (mix 50% fast class and 50% unclass un/class) including carriage loading and unloading at the site of work complete as per diraction of the engineer / in-charge. labour charge for filling / packing of mixed class brick bats in s.w.g pvc wire crats of size 1500mm . x600mm. x450mm. fastening with s.w.g ware and placing in river bed/ clope properly as per diration of engineer in -charge prividing and placing gunny/polythene(of minimum wall thinkness of 500 micron)bags filled with sand ( of minimum quanlity of 0.034 ) and properly manually stitched to avoid any leakage of sand as per specification.
Sector: PWD