Details: 01/eey/ 2022-2373,74,529/annual maintenanceof theadivipoalam channel for year 2022-2023 in yanam02/eey/ 2022-233,28,20/26,annual maintenance of frenchchannel for the year 2022-2023(from april to march) in yanam03/eey/ 2022-232,61,179/35,desilting drainage channel fromseetharama nagar junction tocreek at island no.3 in yanamfor the monsoon in the year2021 (4th call).urgent repairs to water supply govt. servant quarters (block-a, c, d &e) insystemyanam (3rd call)..04/eey/ 2022-23*2,34,430/toto the bar and restaurant in seagulls campus at kursampeta, yanam05/eey/ 2022-23painting231,94,432/06/eey 2021-22providing control roomupgrading with new version of polnet communication system yanam (3rd call).1,61,319/at yanam police
Sector: Cooperative Federation