Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,T - 99833383
The Others has published a tender for "Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,Title8,Title9,Title10,Title11,Title12,Title13,Title14,Title15,Title16,Title17,Title18,Title19,Title20,Title21,Title22,Title23,Title24,Title25,Title26,Title27,Title28,Title29,Title30,Title31,Title32,Title33,Title34,Title35,Title36,Title37,Title38,Title39,Title40,Title41,Title42,Title43,Title44,Title45,Title46,Title47,Title48,Title49,Title50,Title51,Title52,Title53,Title54,Title55,Title56,Title57,Title58,Title59,Title60,Title61,Title62,Title63,Title64,Title65,Title66,Title67,Title68,Title69,Title70,Title71,Title72,Title73,Title74,Title75,Title76,Title77,Title78,Title79,Title80,Title81,Title82,Title83,Title84,Title85,Title86,Title87" on the 23 Jul 2024. This tender belongs to Medical Equipments category. This tender is published in Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Medical Equipments tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
Related alert: test and measuring instruments Tenders | medical equipments Tenders | hospital supply Tenders
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Medical Equipments tender analytics
Others published 41 tenders for Medical Equipments from November 2021 until November 2022.
During the time period (November 2022 - November 2022), a total of 1 Medical Equipments tenders were published in Others sector.
The top spend areas in the Tehri Garhwal district during the April 2024 - July 2024 quarter are: Road Relaying, Water Supply and Other Works, Road Repair.
Tender Details
Details: name of work: procurement of pathology lab items fortehri hospital. noname of the itemmake pack quantity1 p.m. kit (erba chem-7) transasia nos 22 p.m. kit (kx -21) sysmex nos 23 printer roll (kx-21) sysmex roll 104 cell pack sysmex 20 lit 85stromatolyser (to be supplied in 3 (different lotsaccording to their manufacturing dates sysmex 3x500 ml 3 6controls for sysmex level 1,2,3 (to be supplied in3 different according to their manufacturing date) sysmexpack of3 vials 37 cell clean for sysmex kx-21 sysmex 50 ml 88 nyco card for hba1c (to be supplied in 3 differentlots as per their manufacturing dates) nyco 24 test 69 cuvettes for diaspect hb meter diaspect 5x100 t 110 glucometer stripsaccusure soul 2x50 t 511 glucometer stripsaccusure pro 2x50 t 512 t3-iquant kit(to be supplied in 3 differ-ent lots as pertheir manufacturing dates) j. mitra 50t 613 t4-iquant kit(to be supplied in
Sector: Others