Details: cause10 points10 points05 marks15 points10 marks 15 marks15 points12 points(a) at least 2 hindi and 02 english writers/writers will be required for content writing and feature writing.for 04 person.experience in cut krishan blog feature advertisement editorial and writing etc. in a major hindi newspaperexperience up to 03 years.03 plus 10 years experience. more than 10 years experience.10experience of working in a leading english newspaper & magazine aite kishan lag feature exterior editorial & writing etc.experience up to 03 years.05 marks03 plus 10 years experience.10 pointsmore than 10 years experience.15 points()degree or diploma in journalism from a government or recognized institute01 person.03 marks102 persons06 marks03 persons.09 points04 persons.12 pointsphotographer experience in any reputed magazine or as independent photographer and viloma degree in photograph from any government or stry recognized institute. government03 years experience. more than 03 years experience.03 m
Sector: Public Relations or publicity