Details: part a: surface works- open excavation and backfilling-common / loose excavation over areas (including ripping, removal of slips/ loose rock etc.and haulage upto 1 km) additional excavation (as instructed by eic) hauling of excavated material beyond 1 km backfilling - free draining backfill material backfilling - random backfill (compacted) - for filling of diversion channel & other areas as per eic rock bolt / anchors 25mm dia including grout- resin grouted type rock bolt upto 5 m long rock bolt / anchors 25mm dia including grout- cement grouted type rock bolt upto 5 m long rock bolt / anchors 25mm dia including grout- resin grouted type rock bolt over 5 m upto 7.5 m long rock bolt / anchors 25mm dia including grout- cement grouted type rock bolt over 5 m upto 7.5 m long wire mesh- chain link fabric wire mesh- welded wire mesh shotcrete-plain shotcrete upto 50 mm shotcrete-plain shotcrete over 50 mm shotcrete-steel fibre r
Sector: Generation