Details: cleaning of chocked sewer line by diesel running vehicle mountinghydraulic operated high pressure suction jetting sewer cleaningmachine fitted with pump having 4000 litres suction capacity and6000 litres water jetting tank capacity including skilled operator,supervising engineer etc. for cleaning and partial desilting of manholesand dechocking of sewer lines. dechocking and flushing of sewerline from one manhole to another by high pressure jetting system of2200 psi for sewer line from 150mm dia upto 300mm disposal of building / malba / similar unserviceable, dismantledor waste materials by mechanical means, including loading,transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground or asapproved by engineer-in-charge, beyond 50 m initial lead, for all leadsincluding all lifts involved.
Sector: Medical Education