Details: name of item and discription for fully automatic biochemistry analyzer (meril) name of item and discription alkaline phosphate 4 x 15 ml albumin 6 x 20 ml. billirubin direct 5 x 15 ml. / 5 x 5 ml. billirubin total 5 x 15 ml. / 5 x 5 ml. calcium 4 x 20 ml. cholestrol test kit 6 x 20 ml. creatinine test kit (5 x 15) 5 x 15 ml. hdl cholestrol test kit ( 2 x 18 ml.) 2 x 6 ml. glucose 10 x 20 ml. sgot test kit (6 x 20 ml.) 6 x 5 ml. sgpt test kit (6 x 20 ml.) 6 x 5 ml. triglycride test kit 6 x 20 ml. total protien 6 x 15 ml. urea (6 x 20 ml.) 6 x 5 ml. uric
Sector: Medical and Health