Details: portable kitchen pelletizerelectrically & manuallyoperated pelletizer with 02hp motor4 as per clause 4 of theimportant note arunachal pradesh2 portable kitchen pelletizerelectrically & manuallyoperated pelletizer with 02hp motor1 as per clause 4 of theimportant noteaizawl, mizoram3 portable kitchen pelletizerelectrically & manuallyoperated pelletizer with 02hp motor2 as per clause 4 of theimportant notegajapati, odisha4 portable kitchen grinderelectrically and manuallyoperated kitchen grinder with02 hp motor to powder thefeed ingredient4 as per clause 4 of theimportant note - arunachal pradesh5 portable kitchen grinderelectrically and manuallyoperated kitchen grinder with02 hp motor to powder thefeed ingredient1 as per clause 4 of theimportant noteaizawl, mizoram6 portable kitchen grinderelectrically and manuallyoperated kitchen grinder with02 hp motor to powder thefeed ingredient2 as per clause 4 of theimportant notegajapati, odisha7 water pump and accessories– 02 hp diesel operated(p
Sector: Agriculture Misc