Details: cost of labour labour for drilling a perfectly vertical bore hole of specified dia for a specified depth below ground level in alluvial soil strata by mud rotary rig drilling as required to suit the site condition as per the direction of engineer in charge including supply of rig with its accessories, tools and plants and all consumables etc. for a finished bore suitable for lowering of 200 mm dia pvc pipe for housing fitted with sockets and with or without well screen as per the necessary for soft medium, hard and boulder formations pvc casing pipes if required is to be provided by the contractor to prevent collapse of casing pipes after drilling 200 mm to 400 mm dia in over burden portion. for drilling of 200 (8”) dia pipe from 0 meter. to 100th meters. from 101st meters. to 200th meters. from 201st meters to 300th meters labour for lowering the following sizes of pvc casing pipes with or without slotted pipes as per the necessity from ground level up to 300 meters. depth and fitted
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage