Details: drain and paver road earthwork in excavation in hard soil within initial lead of 50mt and initila lift of 1.5mt over extra lead of 5km by mechanical means including dressing and levelling the bed including all cost, conveneyance, royalty, taxes, labour charges etc all cost comp as per direction of engg-in-charge . sand filling in the foundation with well watered and rammed to receive the concrete including all cost, conveneyance, royalty, taxes, labour charges etc all cost comp as per direction of engg-in-charge . reinforced cement concrete of m20 grade by using 20mm and down graded size crusher broken hard granite chips including all cost, conveneyance, royalty, taxes, labour charges etc all cost comp as per direction of engg-in-charge . cost of rigid smooth centering and shuttering and dismantlling carefully after casting including all cost, conveneyance, royalty, taxes, labour charges etc all cost comp as per direction of engg-in-charge . add cost for dismantling and erre
Sector: Municipality