Details: supply & installation of science lab equipments' department of physics hall effect exp malus law apparatus e/m apparatus (bar magnet method) di-electric constant apparatus milikan oil drop apparatus four probe method plank constant leds he-ne lason source callender & brans apparatus for determination of j melde's experiment babinet's compensafor apparatus searl's apparatus balastic galvanometer(lamp & scale arrangement) cro-20 diode & zender diode characteristics apparatus ultrasonic interferometer for liquid platinum resistance thermometer four gap meter bridge ten wire potentiometer 35 watt transformer stop watch (manual) department of chemistry ph meter ph meter mt-103 conduct for mater digital conductometer digital potentiometer spectro photometer burette pippette laboratory table wooden rack for chemistry rasayan viscometer u tube paper chromatography kit digital calorimeter incubator hot air oven vaccum pump department of mathematics scientific calculator department of botan
Sector: Industry Development