Details: thorough testing, checking and meggering of 150 kva transformer for fault finding at site i/c disconnection /reconnection of ht/lt cables etc. complete as required. dismantling of 150 kva transformer & installation of standby/repaired (63kva) transformer i/c testing and commissioning, recording the required parameters etc. by qualified staff, arranging required tools & plant with proper precautionary measures etc. i/c loading on truck at te bldg bolangir by engagement of hydra/labour with required tools & tackles and unloading the same tranformer by the same manner at workshop complete as required. transportation of 63kva standby transformer from workshop at jharsuguda to te bolangir for emergency installation and bringing back 150 kva faulty transformer from te bolangir to workshop by suitable transportation medium etc. complete as required. (the rate should be inclusive of toll gate fee/charges wherever applicable, nothing extra will be paid. distance will be on shortest route
Sector: Telecommunication