Details: cleaning grass and removal of of 30m outside the peripheri area as per technicsl special etc complete asper direction of engineer in charge. earthwork in excavation of foundation in hard soil with 50m intial lead and 1.50m intial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods etc complete as per specification and direction of the engineer-in-charge. filling foundation and plinth with sand well watered and rammed including cost, carriage and royalty of sand etc.complete as per specifications and direction of the engineer-in-charge. cement concrete (1:3:6) using 4cm size h.g. metal including cost, carriage, royalty and taxes all labour, t & p etc. complete. as per specification and direction of the engineer-in-charge. fly ash bricks masonary with cm (1:6) in superstructure including cost conveyance, royalty and taxes of all materials labour t&p etc complete including watering and curing for required period as per direction of the engineer in charge. 12mm thick cement plaster in cm
Sector: RDPR