Details: earth work excavation of foundation trench in hard soil including dressing and levelling the bed with initial lead of 50m. and 1.5 m. initial lift including all costs of labour materials required for the work etc. complete and as per direction of engineer in charge. filling foundation and plinth with sand well watered and rammed including cost, conveyance, royalty, taxes of all materials, labours and t & p required for the work etc. complete and as per direction of engineer-in charge. cement concrete (1:3:6) with 4 cm. crusher broken hard granite metal including laying in layers not exceeding 300 mm in depth, ramming, compacting to proper thickness, watering, curing for seven days with cost conveyance, royalty,taxes of all materials, labour and t&p required for the work etc. complete and as per direction of engineer-in charge. fly ash brick masonary cement mortar (1:6) having crushing strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2 immerging the bricks in water not less than six hours with cost
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage