Description: Construction of new Substation at Balijhara Paradip Port Name of work Construction of new Substation at Balijhara Paradip Port
Details: Providing single under reamed bored compaction pile foundation of 300mm dia & 9m length long with reinforced cement concrete of M-20 grade using 12mm size black hard granite (C.B) stone chips, boring from existing ground level with removal of obstruction if any, using bentonite,providing required reinforcement as per drawing making the end of the cage to Conical shape, welded properly, providing 750mmdia under ream at appropriate level and disposal the boring earth from work site with supply of all labour, T&P, taxes, Port enry fees, hire & running charges of all machineries reuqired for the work etc. transportation charges all taxes etc.complete by excluding GST as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(excluding cost of reinforcement steel and binding wire). Cutting pile head up to cut off level including disposing of the dismantled material out of work site with supply of all materials, labour, T&P, royalties,tollages, hire & running charges of all machineries, transportation char
Sector: Harbor