Details: maintenance of earthen shoulder (filling with fresh soil) (making up loss of material/ irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and compacting it with appropriate equipment.) restoration of rain cut with soil, morum, gravels or a mixture of these, clearing the loose soil, benching for 300mm width , laying fresh material in layers not exceeding 250mm and compacting with plate compactor or power rammers to restore the original alignment, levels and slopes triming of grass and weeds from the shoulder/berms and disposing off the same to suitable location as per technical specification clause 1914 maintenance of hume pipes culvert by way of cleaning , clearing erosion repair repairs to cracks, parapet wall and protection work as per drawing and technical specification clause 1908 clearance of earth from the choked hill side drain and disposing it on valley side manually. maintenance of culverts slab type (maintenance of slab type culvert by way of cleanin
Sector: Road development