Details: cutting of trees including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps & roots, refilling, compaction of backfilling and stacking of serviceable material by manual means with all lifts as per technical specification clause 201.b lead upto 1000 m . iv girth above 1800 mm to 2700 mm v girth above 2700 mm to 4500 mm 3,143.10 vi girth above 4500 mm uprooting and removing stumps & roots uprooting and removing stumps & roots,compaction of backfilling and staking of servicable material by manual means as per technical specification clause 201.b lead upto 1000 m .iv girth above 1800 mm to 2700 mm v girth above 2700 mm to 4500 mm vi girth above 4500 mm dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structures comprising of brick masonry, including disposal of unserviceable per technical specification clause 202. (b) cement mortar scarify
Sector: RDPR