Details: abacus2 world buileding educational kit3 braille english alphabet trainer plate4 braille hindi alphabet trainer plateaudioable cricket ball6 braille playing cards7 braille timepiece for learning8 ille cube9 braille paper( pack of 100 sheets)l-0 braille slate 44 size1,1, braille scalelz taylor frame13 universal holde( pen/pensil)14 tracing wheel15 geometric set in braille16 signature guide17 stylus18 ta lking calcultor 12 digit19 talking thermometer digital20 talking wrist watch digital21- folding cane22 pill box23 tactile map book24 tactile manualfor lea rning computers25 all in one tactile book26 father of nation mahatma gandhi tactile book27 tactile world atlas
Sector: District Administration