Details: digitization of notification and downloading/issuance of notification from crop insuranceportal for circulation amongst stakeholderswithin one week afternotificationwithin one week afternotificationby state andconcernedinsurancecompanies2awareness/ sensitization/training programmersbystategovt.andics/iasfrom 15th mayonwardsfrom 1st octoberonwardsby state andconcernedinsurancecompanies3start of enrolment of farmers for theseason(as per crop calendar) from 1st april from 1st october allstakeholders4cut-off date for existing loanee farmers tosubmit the written consent for opting out fromthe scheme to the concerned bankbranches7 days prior to cut-offdate for enrolmentunder the scheme7 days prior to cut-off date forenrolment under the schemefarmers/bank5cut-off date for intimation of change ofinsured crop bythe loanee farmer2 working days prior tocut-off date fordebit/collection ofpremium fromfarmers2 working days prior to cut-offdate for debit/collection ofpremium fromfarmersfarmers/bank6c
Sector: Agriculture Dept